woke up at 11,chatted with hot babe for awhile.
then sleep again. haha^^

lunch was disgusting,wanton noodles,and the noodles taste like plastic>_>
decided to pon church today,took the pamplet,and fucked out.
while me and leonard were happily taking the escalator up....
Leonard's Ma appeared! (oh shit)
Ma:" WHAT THE ******* ARE YOU DOING HERE??? arent you suppose to be at church??!!!"
Quick thinkin Leo:"oh! i got wei tong,goin old chang kee buy food"
Ma:"oh.faster buy ah,dun be late"

whew,close shave.
damn it la,leo insists that we kei siao abit,take bus with his mum to church.
well,so we took the bus,and went back cwp again=.=

TOMORROW'S SUNDAY!!!!! hot babe hot babe~

Your "not going" is never true,so no point saying.
So next time,don act like a kind bitch,ask me go and all sorts.
When you dont even want me to go.


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